based in Dolní Dvořiště 263, 382 72 Dolní Dvořiště
IČ 28075315
legal entity registered in the commercial register maintained by the Regional Court in České Budějovice under registration no. B 1685
Company description
ABBA Invest a.s. is the parent company within the business group.
ABBA Invest a.s. se majetkově a finančně podílí na níže uvedených společnostech:
- Lanuarius s.r.o.
The main activity of ABBA Invest a.s. is the commercial and administrative support of the above-mentioned companies and their activities. ABBA Invest a.s. provides selected services and support and exercises the rights of a partner or shareholder in subsidiaries.
General Meetings
On this page, you will learn about all future general meetings of ABBA Invest a.s. This information serves all owners (shareholders) of ABBA Invest a.s., who are entitled to participate in the general meeting.